Yuga is a Action Tale about one Orphan Child Who is growing in Slum (played by Vijay). Pai is the underworld don in Mangalore and Yuga...
Yuga is a Action Tale about one Orphan Child Who is growing in Slum
(played by Vijay). Pai is the underworld don in Mangalore and Yuga
(Vijay) with his group takes revenge on them. He did not expect the
danger would be so strong for him. The police in an encounter shoot Yuga
in the stomach. Yuga escapes from there, he is suffering from more
injuries and in an isolated house he gets treatment. He is advised to
stay there for ten days for treatement as the hunt to put him down is
going on everywhere.
About this movie
- Genres: Indian Cinema, Action & Adventure, Drama
- Language: Kannada
- Running time: 2:05:48
- Partner rating:
- Released: Nov 2, 2007
Cast & Crew
- Vijay
- Kavya
- Chandra
- Anand. A
- Chandra
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